Update To The OGNT.io (Old Guy New Trick) Site
Author: John on December 04, 2015
If this is your first time here, welcome! If you are a return visitor, thank you for stopping by and welcome back!
After migrating my content from the old home of www.oldguynewtrick.com, an Octopress solution hosted at Github pages, I noticed a few things missing. Some things that I took for granted at the old site were missing - RSS Feed and an straight forward way of seeing all published posts. Today I implemented both an RSS feed, and a way to see all published posts, including a brief summary. You can access both of these new features via the nav bar. They are Summary and RSS.
As a reminder, there is a known bug where sometimes the code block formatting does not appear. A refresh of the page will cause the code blocks to be displayed properly. This bug seems to elude me. Let me know if you have any ideas of how to fix.
Last Edited by: John on December 04, 2015